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Search help
- For this site some common words like calculator will return a high number of hits, try to refine your search.
- Where less than 5 results are returned, other possible spellings may be suggested.
- To search for phrases click the All used radio button.
- To search for words click the Any search words radio button.
- Searches with surrounding quotes " " can be used but results can be variable or slow.
- Words over 35 characters will be split.
- Searching can be expanded with a wildcard (* ? -)
- Adding a * to the end of a term will match all endings.
Eg. test* will match tests, tested, testing etc.
- Adding a * to the start of a term will match all beginnings.
Eg. *ing will match selecting, mounting etc.
- ? will match any character.
Eg. mot?r will find motor.
- Adding a - to the start of a term will exclude that term.
Eg. Cats -Dogs will return pages with Cats, but not Dogs.
- The common preceding AND switch + is ignored.
- The score represents the likelihood of your search terms appearing in the document or page found.
- The number of results per page can be selected using the drop down menu to the right of the Search box.
- Results can be sorted by relevance (highest score first), or by date (most recent first), by clicking the appropriate link on the right of the results.
- Search results are highlighted as follows -Zoom indexer V7.1
| - Searched for terms/phrases. |
| - Links. |
| - Searched for text in a link. |
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